White Sugar   ·  Raw sugar   ·  Molasses   ·  Honey   ·  Syrup
With long experience in this field, we provide premium quality services
for sugar manufacturers and buyers.
Test Item
Ash pH value        
Brix (Hydrometer) Polarisation
Brix (Refractometer) Reducing Sugar
Colour Specific Gravity 
Conductivity Ash Starch
Dextran Sulfur dioxide
Dextrose equivalent Sulphated Ash
Grain Size Total Reducing Sugar as Invert
Heavy metals and Minerals Total Sugars (Glucose, Fructose, Sucrose, Maltose, Lactose)
Insoluble Matter (Sediment) Turbidity
Moisture Etc.
Quality Testing of Sugar & Molasses by ICUMSA Method 
(International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis)